The Strategies of EV Charge/Discharge Management in Smart Grid Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communication Networks [chapter]

Ujjwal Datta, Akhtar Kalam, Juan Shi
2019 Advanced Communication and Control Methods for Future Smartgrids  
Electric vehicles (EVs) are at the forefront of the revolutionized eco-friendly invention in the transportation industry. With automated metering infrastructure (AMI) communications in houses, smart EV charging stations, and smart building management systems in smart grid-oriented power system, EVs are expected to contribute substantially in overall energy planning and management both in the grid and the customer premises. This chapter investigates and provides an in-depth analysis on the
more » ... /discharge management of EV in vehicle to home (V2H), vehicle to drive (V2D), vehicle to vehicle (V2V), vehicle to grid (V2G), vehicle-tobuilding (V2B), and grid to vehicle (G2V). The planning and control of energy exchange of EV is the main focus considering EV availability in multiple places during the daytime and in the evening. Indisputably, EV participating in V2G or V2H affects the state of charge (SOC) of EV battery, and therefore proper scheduled charge/discharge plan needs to be embraced. The structures of EV in various operation modes and approaches are presented for implementing the energy planning and charge/discharge management of EV in different operation modes. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed charge/discharge management strategy and regulation of EV SOC in accordance with the energy management plan of EV owner. Keywords: electric vehicles (EVs), vehicle to home (V2H), vehicle to grid (V2G), vehicle to vehicle (V2V), grid to vehicle (G2V), vehicle to building (V2B), vehicle to drive (V2D), charge/discharge management, SOC constraints The Strategies of The Strategies of The Strategies of EV Charge/Discharge Management in Smart Grid Vehicle-to-Everything... DOI: http://dx.
doi:10.5772/intechopen.85385 fatcat:jpb3c5xpebhlbjsnl6dl62qys4