Improved anonymous proxy re-encryption with CCA security

Qingji Zheng, Wei Zhu, Jiafeng Zhu, Xinwen Zhang
2014 Proceedings of the 9th ACM symposium on Information, computer and communications security - ASIA CCS '14  
Outsourcing private data and heavy computation tasks to the cloud may lead to privacy breach as attackers (e.g., malicious outsiders or cloud administrators) may correlate any relevant information to penetrate information of their interests. Therefore, how to preserve cloud users' privacy has been a top concern when adopting cloud solutions. In this paper, we investigate the identity privacy problem for the proxy re-encryption, which allows any third party (e.g., cloud) to re-encrypt
more » ... in order to delegate the decryption right from one to another user. The relevant identity information, e.g., whose ciphertext was re-encrypted to the ciphertext under whose public key, may leak because re-encryption keys and ciphertexts (before and after re-encryption) are known to the third party. We review prior anonymity (identity privacy) notions, and find that these notions are either impractical or too weak. To address this problem thoroughly, we rigorously define the anonymity notion that not only embraces the prior anonymity notions but also captures the necessary anonymity requirement for practical applications. In addition, we propose a new and efficient proxy re-encryption scheme. The scheme satisfies the proposed anonymity notion under the Squared Decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman assumption and achieves security against chosen ciphertext attack under the Decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman assumption in the random oracle model. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first proxy reencryption scheme attaining both chosen-ciphertext security and anonymity simultaneously. We implement a prototype based on the proposed proxy re-encryption scheme and the performance study shows that it is efficient.
doi:10.1145/2590296.2590322 dblp:conf/ccs/ZhengZZZ14 fatcat:mf4tupv4w5bxbhn5zakv6xtp7u