Guidelines for the use of second-generation long-acting antipsychotics
Wskazówki do stosowania leków przeciwpsychotycznych II generacji o przedłużonym działaniu

Marek Jarema, Adam Wichniak, Dominika Dudek, Jerzy Samochowiec, Przemysław Bieńkowski, Janusz Rybakowski
2015 Psychiatria Polska  
Long-acting injectable antipsychotics constitute a valuable alternative for the treatment of psychotic disorders, mainly schizophrenia. They assure a more stable drug level, improve treatment compliance, and increase the chances for favorable and long-lasting improvement. Additionally, the long-acting second-generation antipsychotics combine the values of longacting injectable drugs with the values of atypical antipsychotics. Four second generation long-acting antipsychotics have been
more » ... risperidone, olanzapine, aripiprazole and paliperidone. The indications for their use, treatment strategy, tolerance, and potential interactions are discussed.
doi:10.12740/pp/39370 pmid:26093588 fatcat:43ldoyejv5bxlj4a664dareheu