Significance, Principles and Methods of Cultural-input in the Teaching Process of Russian

Binbin Chen
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Economics, Social Science, Arts, Education and Management Engineering   unpublished
Language is the most important tool for human communication, is a means for human beings to form and express ideas, is the most basic information carrier of the human society, and is the symbol system of the combination of sound and meaning of the social convention. Culture refers to the behavior and way of thinking that people learn, create and share in the same social group. The culture of a nation includes the national belief, behavior criterion, language, etiquette, art, technology, dress,
more » ... eligion and economic system. Language is a part of the culture; language teaching can't be separated from culture. This paper discusses the role, significance, principles and methods of cultural introduction in Russian language teaching.
doi:10.2991/essaeme-15.2015.35 fatcat:peajmdkwxbd3jdgberf522crt4