$4$-manifolds, $3$-fold covering spaces and ribbons

José María Montesinos
1978 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society  
It is proved that a PL, orientable 4-manifold with a handle presentation composed by 0-, 1-, and 2-handles is an irregular 3-fold covering space of the 4-ball, branched over a 2-manifold of ribbon type. A representation of closed, orientable 4-manifolds, in terms of these 2-manifolds, is given. The structure of 2-fold cyclic, and 3-fold irregular covering spaces branched over ribbon discs is studied and new exotic involutions on S4 are obtained. Closed, orientable 4-manifolds with the 2-handles
more » ... attached along a strongly invertible link are shown to be 2-fold cyclic branched covering spaces of S4. The conjecture that each closed, orientable 4-manifold is a 4-fold irregular covering space of S4 branched over a 2-manifold is reduced to studying y # Sl X S2 as a nonstandard 4-fold irregular branched covering of S3.
doi:10.1090/s0002-9947-1978-0511423-7 fatcat:btlwwojclbclvnqzhg34sgqqay