Lipid-nanodiscs formed by paramagnetic polymers for fast NMR data acquisition [post]

Thirupathi Ravula, Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy, Nathaniel Hardin, Voič Kocman, Di Mauro Giacomo
2021 unpublished
DEDICATION To my beloved wife, Debora, whose love and care supported me during this journey. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS During these four years, besides the research shown in this thesis, I have been involved in many extra-curricular activities. The culturally vibrant environment at the University of Michigan made me interact with many outstanding scholars and spectacular people. Either for a coffee break (one of the many), a lecture, a seminar, or any other formal and informal academic interactions,
more » ... I received so much warmth and support that writing this section is quite challenging. My goal is to dedicate a special thanks to all of them. First of all, I want to express my gratitude to my former research advisor and friend, professor Carmelo La Rosa, without whom I could not have been where I am. Thanks to his past and current research group at the University of Catania for all the adventures lived together.
doi:10.1021/scimeetings.1c00004 fatcat:re2mwpcaqvdxzhqd5l7xzmbuki