Magnetotransport of SrIrO3 films on (110) DyScO3

A. K. Jaiswal, A. G. Zaitsev, R. Singh, R. Schneider, D. Fuchs
2019 AIP Advances  
Epitaxial perovskite (110) oriented SrIrO3 (SIO) thin films were grown by pulsed laser deposition on (110) oriented DyScO3 (DSO) substrates with various film thickness t (2 nm < t < 50 nm). All the films were produced with stoichiometric composition, orthorhombic phase, and with high crystallinity. The nearly perfect in-plane lattice matching of DSO with respect to SIO and same symmetry result in a full epitaxial inplane alignment, i.e., the c-axis of DSO and SIO are parallel to each other with
more » ... only slightly enlarged d110 out-of-plane lattice spacing (+0.38%) due to the small in-plane compressive strain caused by the DSO substrate. Measurements of the magnetoresistance MR were carried out for current flow along the [001] and [1-10] direction of SIO and magnetic field perpendicular to the film plane. MR appears to be distinctly different for both directions. The anisotropy MR001/MR1-10 > 1 increases with decreasing T and is especially pronounced for the thinnest films, which likewise display a hysteretic field dependence below T* ~ 3 K. The coercive field Hc amounts to 2-5 T. Both, T* and Hc are very similar to the magnetic ordering temperature and coercivity of DSO which strongly suggests substrate-induced mechanism as a reason for the anisotropic magnetotransport in the SIO films.
doi:10.1063/1.5129350 fatcat:w2ufqkxmcfaopdp2d4a5cucuea