Mineralogical responses to 9-years of interaction of a CO2-charged brine with a sandstone aquifer: Observations from the Ketzin CO2-storage pilot site (Germany) [report]

Hans-Jürgen Förster, Franziska Wilke, Susanne Bock, Darleen Eisner, Andrea Förster
This report compiles observations made within a time frame of two months on 24 representative thin-section samples representing the periods before and after 4- and 9-years of injection of CO2 into the reservoir. Given this short period of time until completion of this report, some observations and conclusions drawn have to be judged preliminary. Further analytical work and in-depth interpretation of the results are underway. Information provided for the period 0–4 years after CO2 injection
more » ... de observations made by S. Bock in the framework of her not yet finished Ph.D. thesis.
doi:10.2312/gfz.b103-20097 fatcat:vg62hgbeejhxxi2gzpohh6dzcq