Effects of Copper oxide Nanoparticle addition in Diesel and Biodiesel Blends on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine

T. Karthikeyan
2019 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
currently, the world faces two major crises, depletion of fossil fuel and environmental degradation. So, to solve both problems, renewable alternative fuel is necessary with a minimum impact on the environment. Therefore, the search for biofuels has been raised in the earth world, to preserve the global environment and to replace fossil fuels by biodiesel. In this work, performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine are studied using cottonseed oil methyl ester as biodiesel and CuO
more » ... nanoparticle as an additive in a single cylinder four strokes computerized variable compression ratio engine. The copper oxide acts as a catalyst to provide oxygen for the oxidation of CO or otherwise absorbs oxygen for the reduction of NOX. The carbon deposits within the engine cylinder are burned by the activation energy of copper oxide at the wall temperature and also it restricts the deposition of non-polar compounds on the cylinder wall results, diminution in hydrocarbon emissions. The tests revealed that copper oxide nanoparticles can be used as an additive in diesel and diesel-biodiesel-methanol blend to improve complete combustion of the fuel and reduce the exhaust emissions significantly.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2019.4028 fatcat:w2nsbidy2ze5dnk7gum44prywq