Sustainability criteria associated with urbanization regulations

David Carlos Avila
2016 Back to the Sense of the City: International Monograph Book   unpublished
The recent formalization in the country a National Urban Policy and Housing attempts urgent attention to the problems associated with a sector whose development in recent decades has been marked by continued dissociation between urban growth and population growth way, based on models disproportionate, irrational and unsustainable territorial expansion, with high costs in economic, social and environmental issues. Urban segregation, deteriorating environmental conditions of the physical built
more » ... ironment, vulnerability to natural disasters, depletion of land reserves in several metropolitan areas and social exclusion and inequality in terms of the supply of infrastructure, services or equipment are some of the most serious consequences of the effective realization of such models in Mexican cities, especially for areas with little population confined to living on the peripheries of urban sprawl income. Combining this with the guidance of environmental policies at the international level to the reduction of greenhouse gases in all sectors of society and with the explicit intention of the municipality of Zapopan to promote sustainability criteria associated with urbanization within of its territory, it is that the framework that motivates the development of this standard Sustainable Construction is set. The rule here is issued aims to establish linked, in this case, the regulation of planning urban renewal actions and / or promoting new municipality under the requirements of sustainability criteria and indicators for the implementation of urban planning instruments ; all embedded in a management framework and an evaluation process according the urban regulations.
doi:10.5821/ctv.8150 fatcat:fxwlnhdrmfabnifj6pzmr3fgr4