Chemical and sensorial analysis of blueberry nectar and juice

Dianini Frölech, Adriane Assis, Márcia Schuch, Maria Barros, Michele Nadal, Bruna Santos Oliveira
2019 Agronomy Science and Biotechnology  
Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.), much appreciated for its exotic flavor and nutraceutical properties, can be consumed in natura and in beverages such as nectar and juice. The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical characteristics and the acceptance of commercial nectar and blueberry juice elaborated by the steam dragging method. The work was carried out in August of 2016, at the Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas (RS). The experimental design was in a uniform scheme, with two levels:
more » ... mmercial nectar and juice elaborated with the combination of fruits of cultivars Bluegem and Powderblue. Soluble solids content, titratable acidity and the pH of the samples were evaluated. For the sensorial analysis, a panel of fifty-five judges evaluated attributes such as color, aroma, flavor, body and global acceptance, using a nine-point hedonic scale. Regarding the chemical analyzes, there was a statistical difference for total soluble solids content and the nectar showed the highest content. In the sensory analysis, the juice elaborated with 'Bluegem' and 'Powderblue' obtained the highest mean for color, while for the flavor and body attributes, the preference of the judges for the nectar was verified. However, both had good overall acceptance, with scores between 7.52 and 7.62. Thus, acceptance of both nectar and juice was considered satisfactory by the evaluators.
doi:10.33158/asb.2019v5i1p32 fatcat:5nk774bbgbetfjmgelsjwee66u