Visual scoring in the auditory brainstem response. First report: Judging the presence or absence of a response
聴性脳幹反応の判定に関する研究 第1報 反応の有無の判定

1990 Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho  
The evalution of visual scoring in the ABR audiometry was performed by the two groups of scorers 3 experienced and 3 inexperienced. The sample traces of responses for visual scoring were obtained from 3 normal adults, and consisted of 300 which were deriverd from 100 each on with clicks of 0,5,10,15,20,30dBSL and without stimulation. The forced choice method and the five confidence level method were applied from estimation when the traces were presented to the scorers separately on
more » ... . Judgment was given twice with a 2 months intervals. Results obtained were as follows:
doi:10.3950/jibiinkoka.93.50 fatcat:5ewkqejiqjey5bnt5n4okv2thu