Neutrino mixing angles in sequential dominance to NLO and NNLO
S. Antusch, S. Boudjemaa, S. F. King
Journal of High Energy Physics
Neutrinos with hierarchical masses and two large mixing angles may naturally originate from sequential dominance (SD). Within this framework we present analytic expressions for the neutrino mixing angles including the next-to-leading order (NLO) and next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) corrections arising from the second lightest and lightest neutrino masses. The analytic results for neutrino mixing angles in SD presented here, including the NLO and NNLO corrections, are applicable to a wide
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... ss of models and may provide useful insights when confronting the models with data from high precision neutrino experiments. We also point out that for special cases of SD corresponding to form dominance (FD) the NLO and NNLO corrections both vanish. For example we study tri-bimaximal (TB) mixing via constrained sequential dominance (CSD) which involves only a NNLO correction and tri-bimaximal-reactor (TBR) mixing via partially constrained sequential dominance (PCSD) which involves a NLO correction suppressed by the small reactor angle and show that the analytic results have good agreement with the numerical results for these cases.