Thermodynamics of formation of chromium compounds in welding aerosols

O.G. Levchenko, O.N. Bezushko
2015 The Paton Welding Journal  
Thermodynamic investigations of probability of formation of toxic chromium compounds in the composition of aerosols formed during arc welding of high-alloy steels using coated electrodes were carried out. The probability of proceeding of chemical reactions, resulting in formation of toxic chromium compounds in welding aerosols, was determined. It is shown that in the zone of welding arc in the temperature range from 1100 to 3000 K, the formation of hexavalent chromium oxide is low probable. The
more » ... calculations established that adding of titanium, silicon, manganese and aluminum into the composition of welding electrodes prevents formation of CrO3. 9 Ref., 1 Table, 3 Figures. K e y w o r d s :
doi:10.15407/tpwj2015.07.04 fatcat:5v57wrgfmvchjbzd643irwqqgy