On Accessing GSM-enabled Mobile Sensors

Z.K. Plitsis, J. Fudos, E. Pitoura, A. Zarras
2005 2005 International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing  
In this paper, we propose a middleware framework that unifies access to GSM-enabled sensor devices in a global computing environment. Typically, communication with mobile sensors relies on proprietary protocols, involving the exchange of SMS and MMS messages. In the proposed framework, we use XML-based control descriptions that abstractly specify these protocols to generate proxies and corresponding WEBbased (HTML, WAP and WEB services) interfaces that realize them. Thus, we provide access
more » ... parency over different kinds of mobile sensors. Besides the overall architecture of the proposed framework, we discuss a particular instance where a GSM-enabled camera with temperature, and motion detection sensors is incorporated into our global computing environment. Finally, we assess the performance of the proposed framework by presenting experimental results. ISSNIP 2005 0-7803-9399-6/05/$20.00  2005 IEEE
doi:10.1109/issnip.2005.1595583 fatcat:mcyyiydqhvh2xl6f7wydf2jzza