Two-dimensional phase unwrapping using semidefinite relaxation

Jin-Jun, Zhi-Quan, Ming Jiang
2009 2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing  
In many imaging applications, the continuous phase information of the measured signal is wrapped to a single period of 2π, resulting in phase ambiguity. In this paper we consider the two-dimensional phase unwrapping problem and propose a Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) framework for estimating the true phase values based on the wrapped phase data. In particular, assuming a joint Gaussian prior on the original phase image, we show that the MAP formulation leads to a binary quadratic minimization
more » ... em. The latter can be efficiently solved by semidefinite relaxation (SDR). We compare the performances of our proposed method with the existing L 1 /L 2norm minimization approaches. The numerical results demonstrate that the SDR approach significantly outperforms the existing phase unwrapping methods.
doi:10.1109/icassp.2009.4959781 dblp:conf/icassp/XiaoZJ09 fatcat:24ose6hiy5ehxd3md2jyb5oe4y