Clustering of Provincial Government in Indonesia Based on Fixed Asset Ownership and Economic Growth

Ratna Wulaningrum, Venti Eka Satya, Muhammad Kadafi, Amiril Azizah
2022 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research   unpublished
The availability of infrastructure will affect the level of community access to resources, ultimately encouraging economic growth and reducing poverty levels. This study aims to cluster the provincial governments in Indonesia based on fixed asset ownership and economic growth during the 2015-2019 period. This research data is GRDP and fixed assets owned by the provincial governments in Indonesia, with the data period is 2014-2019. GRDP data is obtained from the BPS website, while fixed-asset
more » ... a is obtained from the provincial government's financial reports. The analytical tool used is k-means analysis to cluster provincial governments in Indonesia based on fixed asset ownership and economic growth (as proxied by GRDP). The result shows that cluster one consists of one province with low fixed asset growth and high economic growth. Cluster two consists of 24 provinces with low fixed asset growth and near-average economic growth. Cluster three consists of one province that have high fixed asset growth and low economic growth. And cluster four consists of eight provinces that have low fixed asset growth and low economic growth.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.220301.077 fatcat:muh67r627fakbgrvefm34mbgja