Adaptive low-power address encoding techniques using self-organizing lists

M.N. Mamidipaka, D.S. Hirschberg, N.D. Dutt
2003 IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (vlsi) Systems  
Off-chip bus transitions are a major source of power dissipation for embedded systems. In this paper, new adaptive encoding schemes are proposed that significantly reduce transition activity on data and multiplexed address buses. These adaptive techniques are based on self-organizing lists to achieve reduction in transition activity by exploiting the spatial and temporal locality of the addresses. Also the proposed techniques do not require any extra bit lines and have minimal delay overhead.
more » ... e techniques are evaluated for efficiency using a wide variety of application programs including SPEC 95 benchmark set. Unlike previous approaches that focus on instruction address buses, experiments demonstrate significant reduction in transition activity of up to 54% in data address buses and up to 59% in multiplexed address buses. The average reductions are twice those obtained using current schemes on a data address bus and more than twice those obtained on a multiplexed address bus.
doi:10.1109/tvlsi.2003.814325 fatcat:ngsbchtlcrd5beiba2xcip55x4