Research on the Mode of Efficaciously Solving "Agricultural Super-Docking" Development Difficulties in China

Guangshu Xu, Haifang Zhang, Xuewen Zhang
2016 World Journal of Engineering and Technology  
Constructing circulation mode of high feasibility and good implementation effect is the key method to solve difficulties in the development of "Agricultural Super-Docking" at present in China. There are many problems that exist in the process of the development of "Agricultural Super-Docking" by our analyzing from both the benefit of subjects and the whole supply chain perspectives. A large amount of relevant literature research shows that adopting the "cooperation between the government and
more » ... third party logistics enterprises to build distribution center" innovation model can solve these problems. This model can effectively remove obstacles between farmers and supermarkets. It is conducive to the development of small and medium-scale the farmer cooperatives, supermarkets and the third party logistics enterprises that don't have a strong financial strength and a high degree of brand influence. In addition, it can also produce considerable social benefits. In order to ensure the implementation efficiency of the model to maximize, some management issues in the implementation process about the determination of core subject in supply chain, the method of evaluating the third party logistics enterprises grade, the planning of the number of customers for the distribution center, the mechanism of income distribution among multiple subjects and the implementation of relevant policies after the model into practice should be taken into account.
doi:10.4236/wjet.2016.43046 fatcat:no4gsjrpurhd7mm5rj6znqkuly