Classification of complex and real vacuum spaces of the type [N] ⊗ [N]

Adam Chudecki
2018 Journal of Mathematical Physics  
Complex and real, vacuum spaces with both self-dual and anti-self-dual parts of the Weyl tensor being of the type [N] are considered. Such spaces are classified according to two criteria. The first one takes into account the properties of the congruences of totally null, geodesic 2-dimensional surfaces (the null strings). The second criterion is based on investigations of the properties of the intersection of these congruences. It is proved that there exist six distinct types of the [N] ⊗ [N]
more » ... aces. New examples of the Lorentzian slices of the complex metrics are presented. Also, some type [N] ⊗ [N] spaces which do not posses Lorentzian slices are considered.
doi:10.1063/1.5034348 fatcat:2jays4755vf43ca3so6ejrjiqu