Expertise in Context: Report on the Third International Workshop on Human and Machine Cognition

Robert R. Hoffman, Eric Dietrich
1994 The AI Magazine  
and Michelene Chi (University of Pittsburgh), there were a number of s The Third International Workshop on Human and Machine Cognition was held in Seaside, Florida, on 13-15 May 1993. Each paper session included presentations on cognitive research, educational research, AI theory and logic, and particular knowledge engineering projects. This mixture encouraged the participants from diverse disciplines to listen and respond to one another. These international workshops are held to allow leading
more » ... cientists, scholars, and practitioners to discuss current issues and research in particular topics in AI and cognitive science.
doi:10.1609/aimag.v15i4.1111 dblp:journals/aim/HoffmanD94 fatcat:y7b7y6tc2vawthy7qaqcdla7na