Combining real-time and fixed tariffs in the demand response aggregation and remuneration

Cátia Silva, Pedro Faria, Zita Vale
2020 Energy Reports  
The current Energy Market is not yet ready for the integration of the Smart Grid context. Concepts such as Demand Response and Distributed Generation, namely renewable energy resources, are not yet included in current business models in order to the system flow properly. Therefore, the authors propose a methodology that gathers all these concepts through the optimization, aggregation and remuneration of resources. The purpose of this paper will be to study the influence of the tariff used for
more » ... e remuneration and incentive of the participants in the formation of the groups in the aggregation phase. Three studies were performed: aggregation with only the result of the optimization (schedule power for each resource); this result and the fixed tariff associated with each resource; result and a new tariff that considers real-time values.
doi:10.1016/j.egyr.2019.08.028 fatcat:rv75fmjzkbcyjmbscdz3glt4dy