Attached Diatoms from Alewa Heights Spring in the south of Oahu Island, Hawaii

Hideo Kubota
1999 Diatom  
The attached diatoms in the sample taken from the marsh of Alewa Heigts Spring in the south of Oahu Island, Hawaii on 26 November 1998 were investigated. A total of 26 taxa ; 21 species, 4 varieties and 1 unidentified taxa, belongingto 15 genera were found in the sample. Dominant taxa in the sample were Achnanthes lanceolata, Cocconeis scutellum var. parva, Eunotia lunaris, Furstulia rhomboides var. crassinervia, Surirella angusta and Terpsinoe musica.
doi:10.11464/diatom1985.15.0_165 fatcat:ojajgn7bsjfavcw24ejktalf4m