Public Sculpture and Social Practice in the Roman Empire [entry]

Elizabeth Wolfram Thill, Lea K. Cline, Nathan T. Elkins
2021 The Oxford Handbook of Roman Imagery and Iconography   unpublished
One of the more fruitful lines of research in recent decades has been the exploration of how Roman sculpture interacted with the lives of its contemporary viewers. This chapter employs monumental reliefs, large-scale sculptures set up in public areas by official authorities, as a case study to examine how sculpture contributed to social practice under the Roman emperors. Particular focus is given to the phenomenon of imperial portrait types, the blending of history and myth in sculpted
more » ... s, issues of visibility, and the afterlife of some reliefs. The chapter also examines possible means of evaluating responses to relief monuments, from provincial imitations, to private copies in other media, to the written record. In the end, monumental reliefs prove an excellent means to highlight the general dissonance between ancient and modern perceptions of sculpture.
doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190850326.013.12 fatcat:upeu4t64svglvebw5a4waythtu