Finding Sustainable Balance Between Your Work And Personal Life

J Ndubuisi
2017 unpublished
Finding the right balance between the different spheres of life especially as it relate to work and personal life will help an individual feel better and fulfilled, and tend to bring about efficiency and effectiveness. Nevertheless, this balance can only be achieved by a conscious effort of the individual to be able to manage multiple roles (work and personal life).The researcher adopted the qualitative research method to review the literature relating to work life balance and ways of
more » ... it. After critical reviews of related works on the topic understudy, we found out that to find a sustainable balance between work and personal life has to do with having the proper mind set whereby you set a goal for your work and personal life, proper planning and make the most out your time. The study recommended that work life balance as a concept is what everyone should embrace because it gives an individual a sense of fulfillment.