LSTM networks for anaerobic digester control

V. Yesilevskyi, S. Dyadun, V. Kuznetsov
2019 Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu  
lSTM neTworKS for AnAeroBiC DiGeSTer ConTrol Purpose. To study the possibility of use of artificial intelligence systems based on neural networks for the improvement of the efficiency of the biogas production in the anaerobic digester by optimization of the nonlinear control system. Methodology. Mathematical modeling and computer simulation for building an adaptive control system based on neural LSTM network and reinforcement learning. The study of the learning convergence of the neural network
more » ... based on a nonlinear mathe matical model of the technological process. findings. The performed computational experiment showed that the learning convergence could be achieved after 600 episodes in a model with two control channels and four measurement channels. It also proved the efficiency of the proposed adaptive con trol system for the program model of the technological process. The results confirmed the ultimate possibility to use this approach for biogas production control in the anaerobic digester in the real world settings. originality. It is shown that the task of controlling the biogas production in the anaerobic digester can be solved based on the reinforcement learning approach implemented for a continuous nonlinear dynamic system. The system can be implemented as two neural networks in the actorcritic architecture. To build the module of critic and the module of the controller of the adaptive control system, it was proposed to use the neural network architecture based on a special type of recursive neural network called LSTM neural networks, which were not previously used to control the production of biogas in the anaerobic digester. Practical value. The proposed method for constructing a control system for the anaerobic digesters will lead to an increase in the efficiency of biogas production as an alternative renewable energy source. Expansion of the scope of use of anaerobic digesters will also have a significant impact on solving the problem of utilization of industrial and household human waste.
doi:10.29202/nvngu/2019-5/21 fatcat:hk5oxnxu3vg33dgkicpks47pja