Arteria lusoria: A very rare cause of esophageal obstruction in a hypoxemic patient

Mehmet Okumus, Fuat Ozkan, Selim Bozkurt, Mustafa Dogan, Mahmut Tokur, Mucahit Kapci
2014 The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology  
Foreign body ingestion is a commonly encountered problem among emergency department physicians and gastroenterologists. The esophagus, as the narrowest part of the gastrointestinal tract other than the appendix, is a common site of foreign body impaction (1). Rarely, external esophageal factors, such as arteria lusoria, may be a factor in food bolus impaction.
doi:10.5152/tjg.2014.3567 pmid:25254529 fatcat:by3oponhnrb2bb6x4wp3ze7a3i