El hablar y la palabra: psicoterapias en los márgenes urbanos de la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires

María E. Epele
2016 Antípoda: Revista de Antropología y Arqueología  
Based on an ongoing ethnographic research in a neighborhood located in the Metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, these lines describe and analyze the speech actions of treatment in the public health system, oriented to marginalized population, from the perspective of local residents turned patients. According to the anthropological developments on language, words and suffering on one hand and perception and senses on the other, speaking, listening and seeing those in treatment are understood as a
more » ... et of bodily perceptual and expressive actions. This method being one among various ways for these individuals to express using ordinary language. Finally, due to the ethnographic approach, the speech actions in these treatments are analyzed as one component of a complex cartography that includes unspoken words, the use of words and speeches of others, running out of words, being silenced, acting out some words, demanding the others attention, listening, being heard, and their links to seeing and being seen in the ordinary life.
doi:10.7440/antipoda25.2016.01 fatcat:4jay3by3zvcbvhl62i2yqx4jni