1988 Learning and Study Strategies  
The integration of technology for teaching and learning appeals to some faculty in higher education, and not to others. This exploratory investigation builds and extends upon Rogers ' (1995) theory of the diffusion of innovations and adopter categories in order to describe current faculty innovativeness, as well as to explore the differences between early adopting faculty and mainstream faculty. A mixed-method research design, using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, was employed
more » ... o investigate the difference between those who readily adopt technology for teaching and learning, and those who do not. This study employed a new method for conducting educational and psychological research; an on-line, World Wide Web-based version of the survey instrument was designed and piloted for this investigation. Collecting data using the Internet is a relatively new research methodology. As such, data collected using this procedure was compared to that collected using conventional methods to determine whether equivalent results can be obtained. Seventy-six faculty from across disciplines at two large North American universities completed a 195-item survey about computer use patterns, self-rated expertise, technology adoption patterns, generalized self-efficacy, changes to classroom environments, incentives and barriers, preferred methods for learning about technology, and methods for integrating technology and evaluating the outcomes. In-depth interviews were conducted with faculty who have adopted technology for teaching and learning. Survey results were used to establish baseline data for future comparisons, to identify trends, issues, and concerns unique to post-secondary instructors, to differentiate between two adopting groups, and as a source of demographic and attitudinal data used in descriptive and exploratory statistical analyses. Qualitative data was analyzed for emergent categories and themes, and was used to explore faculty member's innovation-decision processes. As expected, some differences were found between early adopters and mainstream faculty for self-rated computer expertise and total adoption of technology for teaching and learning. Some differences were found between faculty who used the web-based and paper-based survey. Recommendations are made for campus-wide technology integration plans based upon findings that early adopter and mainstream faculty prefer different methods for learning about technology, different types of support and training, and report different motivators and impediments to integrating computer technology. iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This dissertation is the result of the collective efforts of a number of important and valued people who have directly or indirectly assisted and supported me during doctoral studies and in this present endeavor. To these people, I owe my gratitude and thanks.
doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-742460-6.50001-3 fatcat:t2wnqejxhngylmetoj5fxotbp4