The Nanaimo Free Press [Saturday, August 5, 1911]
(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
CMMINNS Au», 4.-Aftw ma «l-AdoUmt mlorm tta oocorriag, Inwh ytgt. trom Pi««t Sound l«iu» w«r« Iounti,^«iia.oBiy Utat tho'^ ii"™boM o( Um AUOrtio Club ar« rr/.irj'.rf.rt Jrz 4iUon. . Th* TMMl hsd^ bMa IbS d««|>*lr. Whan culm wmUmr ut laul ***^ ** *" **" "" mru on thu voyuce. und eonalcMm urrlvud. Urn ucboonar luy wiUout "do. in *wco •» uauljm. of um hut glvmi it i<> lor lout. On puaa-uuita. wuiurtognd und complatuljr ut-mn*.uonu unow-d » um.t«d in-iBf Samou it run into flntiu guiuu. tha mercy ol
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... tba wuvuu. A tu( that lumut in lha cumpuiKtu iba arttar Bug* aeua uwept tha docka, tha maata buppaoad to ba cruiain* near Um apot ^ t^a Uei tout ,«e broken off abort by tba Tiolanea howavar alghtad Urn veaad und took younger memoeni ol um cion, lor of the wind und to udd to UU terror it la tow to Bydnqr harbor, wh(m it ,um", mternat the wnoie ol tha aallor-a altuution. u amio-ia urrivad buttered und aeawom ukmjW, hf< baen unoarUAen. bud done lauk waa dlaoorared. All handa were beyond recoipiiUon. Only thut tha ^ " A'wo OoUur" ordered to nun tha pumpa. Ftor dn>d Eapudu waa UdaB with u eurgo at aoggmlad to ba eoL tha mao tolled nnoauaincly. and gra-Umbar it muat eartulnly have gone ^ ^ being dually got tha Ibuk under control, to tha bottom. orguniaed when there tba apiit -■■----------Z= 'o»er tha quaeUon ol tto phyeieul Inntructor. j Uinca thut time tha fe/urd ot Man agement haa not yet taken over tha control ol the campuignl Ko report hua been uakad lor Iroa tha old puigu committee, nor hua tha board filled up tha vaeuncie aiUon. At Um auna puign waa fo nearly Two Bruiiy, ADMIRALJtM RON ■NCMtfBWnE Sow York. Aug. 4.-Admlrul Togo lalt New Yortt today lor Wauhington. •T um intanaaly Inleraatad la your. «*• •<> ,Q.' la no nacaaalty lor tha work to atop , man. Mg-Ing t r. chuinaun. and thatnaaivaa'John and In. StroaBaieU, ty, aand a latter Irom ty t-Uw hawa-Advartiaer, Vanu,«wmch . tfae»-aiai mt ol iecta end mmmm NEW AWIKIN mm0ti Aittiinl 5^1 A Wtti RBStVimW i Beriin. Aug, 4^ im. pMapwn. oi a iMka hta Ma|1g »wa«Af.. uemu, Aug. a iatandad lor t gutdanoa a< n borara toukii« lor < the Canadian hortham railway lrou» Hope to Kamloopa. They aay: ■lOght AAi*i » ply U* tna (onaga oinee trom \aJTA&U i>UCb)' ut W. ^ 'he la touring. Tha acUon taaan m *