Measurement Method for the Assessment of the Energy Consumption of Cooking Setups

M. R. Mitchell, R. E. Link, Günter Grossmann, Claudio Weiss
2011 Journal of Testing and Evaluation  
Energy efficiency in household appliances is a concern in energy saving scenarios. Especially, the equipment for cooking is very likely for energy waste since a lot of energy is used to produce steam, where simmering the goods to be cooked is sufficient. The reduction of this loss is the main goal of the energy optimization of cooking equipment. In standardization, only the measurement of the energy consumption of the heat up of water is regulated, not the cooking procedure itself, since the
more » ... ndard is dedicated to assess the heat transfer from the cooking zone to the water in a pan. However, it is the cooking phase after heat up that accounts for the largest part of energy waste. Thus, a comparison of the energy consumption between different cooking setups is difficult. In the work presented, a measurement procedure has been worked out to measure the energy needed for a cooking cycle with a cooking setup, which consists of the cooking zone, the cookware, and the regulating equipment, as well as to determine the influence of the behaviour of the user.
doi:10.1520/jte102997 fatcat:ytgvnvsdkves5laoswtbzkw32a