School Hygiene

1896 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal  
Dr. Forster's interest and activity, or of the social, charitable, patriotic and scientific societies of which he was a member. lie was a student of natural history ; his work on the identification of edible mushrooms, is known to many, and his intimates will recall his interest in the life and habits of bees. He was staunch in his friendships, and helpful to all. A certain brusqucness of manner sometimes offended those who did not know him, and who had not discovered the sterling qualities of
more » ... is nature. In an acquaintance of twenty-five years the writer never know him to do a mean or unkind act. Of his acts of generous kindness and helpfulness to others, many will testify. He will be remembered as a conscientious physician, a patriotic, public-spirited citizen, a genial, generous, and helpful friend, a just and upright man.
doi:10.1056/nejm189605211342110 fatcat:ddzemqdegvb3bpthabavchmwia