Clinical study of malignant tumors in end stage renal disease patients

Makoto Kitamura, Seigo Hiraga, Miho Hida, Takeshi Satoh
1994 Nihon Toseki Igakkai Zasshi  
Fifty-two patients whose course was complicated by 55 malignant tumors, out of 1,164 end stage renal disease patients in our hospital, were proposed for clinical investigation. The mean age at the time of tumor discovery was 57.8 years, which is nearly equal to the mean age (58.1 years) at initiation of maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) patients. The mean duration from the initiation of MHD of the patients to the discovery of the malignant tumors was 4.1 years, and tumors in 16 patients (30.8%)
more » ... e discovered within 1 year of the initiation of MHD. These results suggest that the incidence of malignant tumors might be high even in the pre-dialysis stage. Bleeding or periodic screening of tumors was the initial opportunity to discover tumors. Tumors of digestive organs were found most frequently followed by tumors of urinary tract organs. As to prognosis, 44.2% of all patients with malignant tumors survived. Operative cases were 61.5%, and 71.9% of them survived postoperatively. In conclusion, patients with end stage renal disease are prone to a high incidence of malignant tumors before/ after the initiation of MHD; however, the early diagnosis of tumors and surgical intervention can help patients survive longer.
doi:10.4009/jsdt.27.95 fatcat:ejbj4d3cijhgpatyjadftjrbv4