PMO-088 A large proportion of colorectal tumour-infiltrating CD4+ T cells are suppressive irrespective of FOXP3 expression

M Scurr, A Gallimore, A Godkin
2012 Gut  
18patients underwent laparoscopic thoracoscopic cardio-oesophagectomy. All 18 patients (12 male, 6 female) had laparoscopic insertion of Freka feeding jejunostomy are included in the study. The feeding jejunostomy was used for feeding from first postoperative day. The standard regime was water at 20 mls/h on day 1 followed by feed (jevity/osmolyte) at 30 mls/h on day 2. The rate of feed was increased at daily increments of 10 mls/h/day to achieve target rate to meet patient's nutritional
more » ... ments. Patients were discharged with feeding jejunostomy in situ, removed at follow-up if nutritionally stable. Results The average procedure time was 20 min. Median duration of feeding jejunostomy in situ was 3 weeks (range 8 dayse6 weeks). Tube related complications, n¼3 patients (tube fallout-1, leak-2). Only one of these three patients needed additional parenteral nutrition. There were no procedure or feed related complications. The overall length of stay was not affected by this procedure. The availability of enteral route was useful in n¼2 patients (chest infection-1, gastric stasis-1) for nutrition longer than the anticipated period. Conclusion Laparoscopic insertion of feeding jejunostomy is safe, aids early establishment of enteral route for nutrition in patients undergoing cardio-oesophagectomy and useful in providing prolonged nutritional support in patients who develop complications were oral route is not possible.
doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2012-302514b.88 fatcat:pvytvflrtfe43kkucnrkontlcq