New data on Soricomorpha (Lipotyphla, Mammalia) from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of Transbaikalia and Irkutsk Region (Russia)

Barbara Rzebik-Kowalska
2007 Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia - Series A Vertebrata  
RZEBIK-KOWALSKA B. 2007 . New data on Soricomorpha (Lipotyphla, Mammalia) from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of Transbaikalia and Irkutsk Region (Russia). Acta zoologica cracoviensia, 50A(1-2): 15-48. Abstract. Remains of five genera and 14 species (Talpidae and Soricidae) have been found in the Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments of ten localities in Western Transbaikalia and Irkutsk Region. Besides fossil (Petenyia sp., Sorex palaeosibiriensis) and Recent taxa (Asioscalops altaica, Crocidura
more » ... , Neomys fodiens, Sorex minutissimus, S. minutus, S. roboratus, S. cf. isodon and S. cf. daphaenodon) known today from the Asiatic continent, two new fossil Sorex species (S. erbajevae and S. baikalensis) have been described. Thus, the number of fossil Sorex species cited so far from Asia (16) increased to 21.
doi:10.3409/000000007783995453 fatcat:homqhlpnffaodf3c4mw5pcitka