Pest infestation on biochemistry Adhatoda

E Emimal, Victoria
2010 Journal of Biopesticides   unpublished
Essential oil of Adhatoda vasica leaves contain vasicine, vasicinone and maiontone. The plant has lot of medicinal value against many diseases. Insecticidal activity of Adhatoda vasica was highlighted previously. Hence a thorough seasonal survey is taken up in A vasica to estimate the variation in the quantity and quality of the essential oils and alkaloids of A. vasica found in Virudhunagar District. The investigation proposes to study the various insect pests of the plants in exsitu
more » ... plants of the Virudhunagar district. The data are compared with 50 plants collected from different areas and cultivated at the experimental gardens. Harvest was made at the interval of three months and a comparative analysis is presented after pest infestation. The above study is more valuable since the cost effectiveness of the tuberculosis treatment with A. vasica is commendable.