Non(anti)commutative superspace with coordinate-dependent deformation

L. G. Aldrovandi, F. A. Schaposnik, G. A. Silva
2005 Physical Review D  
We consider non(anti)commutative superspace with coordinate dependent deformation parameters C^αβ. We show that a chiral N=1/2 supersymmetry can be defined and that chiral and antichiral superfields are still closed under the Moyal-Weyl associative product implementing the deformation. A consistent N=1/2 Super Yang-Mills deformed theory can be constructed provided C^αβ satisfies a suitable condition which can be connected with the graviphoton background at the origin of the deformation. After
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doi:10.1103/physrevd.72.045005 fatcat:zthlvu4ygrd53jerraoumcwkpy