Segmentação de imagens baseada em redes complexas e superpixels: uma aplicação ao censo de aves [thesis]

Glenda Michele Botelho
Segmentation is one of the most important steps in image analysis with a large range of applications. However, some traditional techniques exhibit high computational costs, hindering their application in high resolution images such as the images of birds nests from Pantanal, one of Brazilian most important wetlands. Therefore, we propose a new segmentation approach that combines community detection algorithms, originated from the theory of the complex networks, with superpixels extraction
more » ... ques. This approach is capable of segmenting high resolution images while maintaining the trade-off between accuracy and processing time. Moreover, as the nest images exhibit peculiar characteristics that can be better dealt with texture segmentation techniques, the Markov Random Fields (MRF) technique is proposed, as a complement to the initial approach, to perform the final identification of the birds. Finally, due to the importance of the quantitatively evaluation of the segmentation quality, a new evaluation metric based on ground-truth was developed, being of great importance to the segmentation field. This work contributed to the state of art of high resolution images segmentation techniques, improving and developing methods based on combination of complex networks and superpixels, which generated satisfactory results within low processing time. Moreover, an important contribution for the birds census by the analysis of aerial images of birds nests was made possible by application of the MRF technique.
doi:10.11606/t.55.2014.tde-16032015-113613 fatcat:iegzqi5tefesfb6z4g5kedqwve