Multi-element Analysis and Characterization of Atmospheric Particulate Pollution in Dhaka

Bilkis A. Begum, Swapan K. Biswas, Philip K. Hopke, David D. Cohen
2006 Aerosol and Air Quality Research  
PIXE (Proton Induced X-Ray Emission) and PIGE (Proton Induced Gamma Ray Emission) have been used to measure the concentration of over 20 elements present in coarse and fine atmospheric particle samples. These samples were collected at a semi-residential site at Dhaka, Bangladesh from July 2002 to June 2003. The multi-elemental capability of PIXE and PIGE enabled the use of these elemental-concentration data to define fingerprints of various coarse and fine particle sources in the atmosphere
more » ... g factor analysis along with linear regression. Biplots between a major component of a given source identified by the factor analysis with another signature element were prepared. Regression analyses could then be performed on a subset of the plot to quantify the relationship between these constituents in this fingerprint. The identified fingerprints included anthropogenic sources, such as motor vehicles, Zn source, two-stroke engine, and fugitive Pb; as well as natural sources, such as sea spray and soil dust. In this study, the chemical compositions of elements of these fingerprints were compared with the results obtained from PMF modeling that had been obtained in a previous study.
doi:10.4209/aaqr.2006.12.0001 fatcat:kcxw6fwnubgnvhbgaon6a4wxym