Livelihood Resources Available to Rural Households in Southeast Nigeria: Implication for Agricultural and Rural Development in Nigeria

2017 Scientia Agriculturae  
Inadequate livelihood resources have hampered agricultural and rural development expected to enhance farm and non-farm linkages as well as rural-urban linkages for overall national development. The study examined the livelihood resources available to rural households in Southeast Nigeria, highlighting the implications for agricultural transformation agenda in Nigeria. The specific objectives which guided the study were to: examine the socio-demographic characteristics of rural households in
more » ... heast Nigeria; identify the livelihood resources available to rural households in southeast Nigeria. With the aid of a structured and validated interview schedule, data were collected from a sample size of 180 household heads selected from a population of about 754,702 household heads in the study area using a 5-stage random sampling procedure. The statistical tools used in data analysis included mean, frequencies, percentages. The result showed that human capital and social capital resources are available to rural households, while financial capital, physical capital and natural capital resources are inadequate to rural households. It is therefore recommended that productive resources like infrastructural facilities need massive investment by government, nongovernmental organizations, international donor agencies, organized private sector, community-based organizations and individuals.
doi:10.15192/ fatcat:mtpgckqsnzbmrponfxsihvduoi