The Outer Limit of the Treaty Free Movement Provisions: Some Reflections on the Significance of Keck, Remoteness and Deliège [chapter]

The Outer Limits of European Union Law  
Citation for published item: pventD ilenor @PHHVA 9he outer limit of the rety pree wovement rovisions X some re)etions on the signi(ne of uekD emoteness nd heli egeF9D in he outer limits of iuropen nion lwF yxfordX rrt ulishingD ppF PRSEPUPF Further information on publisher's website: httpXGGwwwFhrtpuFoFukGooksGdetilsFspcisnaWUVIVRIIQVTHP Publisher's copyright statement: Additional information: Use policy The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or
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doi:10.5040/ fatcat:vjst2bsbjncynpxamxncquawqa