Figurative of Lo I Keta Spells in Society of Bima: A Riffaterre Semiotics Research

Kurniawan Kurniawan, Sholihin Sholihin, Mulyadi Mulyadi
2019 Aksis Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia  
The existence of cultural literacy can be observed in the typical language in the Lo I Keta spells which developed in the traditional Bima society. A broad understanding of society about the Lo I Keta spells language by substituting meaning in producing figures of speech. This research aims to describe the figure of speech in the Lo I Keta spells. The research of Riffaterre's semiotics becomes the basis for analyzing the replacement of meaning. The research approach is descriptive qualitative
more » ... ing data collection techniques such as recording, interviewing, and recording. The results show that figurative forms include metaphor, anaphora, epiphoria, parallelism, and symbolic.
doi:10.21009/aksis.030109 fatcat:bqldjwxd3ffltf5acpepx2a4cy