FRI0518 Incidence, characteristics and management of giant cell arteritis in france: a study based on national health insurance claims data

V. Devauchelle Pensec, E. Hachulla, M. Paccalin, S. Gandon, I. Idier, M. Nolin, M. Belhasen, A. Mahr
2018 Osteoarthritis   unpublished
IgAV compared to healthy blood donors (HBD), and determine associations with IgAV clinical signs. Methods: Flow cytometry of stained, lysed and fixed whole blood was performed in IgAV (n=30), and HBD (n=17) (Miltenyi). Cytokines were quantitated by multiplex bead assay (Luminex), ELISA (IL-6) and immunonephelometry (acute phase serum amyloid A (SAA)) in 57 IgAV vs. 53 HBD. Results: Percentage of CD16 + neutrophils was significantly higher, while percentages of CD3 + T-cells (including CD4 + and
more » ... CD8 + cells), as well as CD19 + B-cells were significantly lower in peripheral blood of IgAV patients vs. HBD. The expression of l-selectin (CD62L) on CD16 + neutrophils was significantly increased in IgAV vs. HBD, as were the sera levels of TNF-a (2-fold), IL-6 (3-fold), IL-8 (2.2fold) and SAA (11.7-fold changed levels) (table 1). Association was found between GIT involvement and lower neutrophil expression of integrin aM (CD11b) (median; IQR: 7.2; 4.2-16.0), compared to skin limited (17.8; 9.9-40.5) IgAV cases (p=0.047). There was no association found between different cytokines and IgAV clinical phenotype. Abstract FRI0516 - Table 1 . Cell profiles, neutrophil surface proteins and cytokines in IgAV patients compared to HBD MEDIAN (Q25-Q75)
doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2018-eular.3652 fatcat:dze3cpfshrhr5heyineofgrqc4