Grasping force control of a tendon-driven prosthetic finger based on force estimation using motor current signals

Wendi Zhuo, Yi Zhang, Hua Deng
2016 Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Advanced Electronic Science and Technology (AEST 2016)   unpublished
A force estimation model using motor current signals was deduced in this paper for a tendon-driven prosthetic finger grasping objects with its distal phalanx. Models of the prosthetic finger were first established. As driving moment of each joint could be calculated form motor current, stable grasping force of the finger could be calculated by its statics mechanic model, that is, the grasping force is estimated using motor current signals. Then a PID controller based on the estimation method
more » ... designed with the estimated force as its force feedback signal. Based on the dynamics model of the prosthetic finger and a DC motor model, the estimation model and the PID controller were simulated in MATLAB, whose results indicated that the proposed grasping force estimation and control methods are effective.
doi:10.2991/aest-16.2016.22 fatcat:wp2os5ognfdyjov27yg2p5l44u