Book Reviews
The aim of the new series Frontiers in Matrix Biology is to inform about present trends and recent results in the field of connective tissue research. It is planned to present mainly singleauthored monographs, whereas special colloquia will be included only exceptionally. The first volume of the series contains the proceedings of the 11th International Colloquium of Dermato-Chemistry on Aging of the Skin, held in Paris in November 1972. The 9 contributions of this volume deal with relations
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... een aging and connective tissue, cell division, epidermis and dermis, and the various constituents of connective tissue, particularly collagen. The second volume contains 7 contributions on various aspects of the role of lipids in the intercellular matrix, such as the pathophysiology of adipose tissue, lipids of connective tissue, fat cell size and adipose tissue metabolism, cholesterol metabolism in connective tissue, changes of cutaneous lipids with age and arteriosclerosis, the role of mesenchymal cells in arteriosclerosis, hormone and drug action on the metabolism of connective tissues and adipose tissues. The third volume comprises 18 papers on quite different aspects of matrix biology, including contributions on Burkitt lymphoma, blood platelet functions, the role of lipids in atherosclerosis, keratino-cytes, chondrocytes and smooth muscle cells in culture, the functions, metabolism or analytical procedures of structural glycoproteins, proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans, elastin, collagen and collagenase. This volume, thus, gives a cross section through present activities in important fields of connective tissue research. The articles in these three volumes have in part the character of reviews and present in other cases recent experimental results. They are amply illustrated and particularly the morphological figures are of high quality. The appearance of this series will be very welcome not only to experimental workers in the field of connective tissue research, such as pharmacologists, biochemists, pathologists, etc., but also to all clinicians and practitioners interested in connective tissue disorders.