Aperture tolerances for neutron-imaging systems in inertial confinement fusion

M. C. Ghilea, T. C. Sangster, D. D. Meyerhofer, R. A. Lerche, L. Disdier
2008 Review of Scientific Instruments  
Design Considerations for Neutron Imaging for ICF Neutron-imaging (NI) systems use extended pinholes or penumbral apertures (with annular apertures as a particular case of the second) to generate images on the detector plane. 6 A full system consists of a neutron source, an aperture, an alignment system, and a neutron-sensitive detector ( Fig. 112.1) . When the neutrons pass from the source through the aperture, their spatial intensity at the detector plane is modulated according to the shape
more » ... the aperture. The alignment and type of aperture define the image size, shape, and resolution on the detector plane. The aperture's three-dimensional shape is described by a two-variable point-spread function (PSF). The magnification M of the system is the ratio of source-detector distance L divided by the source-aperture distance  .
doi:10.1063/1.2839023 pmid:18315293 fatcat:s2m5zhux2zfi3mdbibzzyilpse