Vitamin D, Oxidative Stress and Cognition in Diabetes Mellitus

2020 International Journal of Physiology  
Diabetes is a very common disease that affects almost all body systems. Of late recent studies have determined that vitamin D deficiency can cause several diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular complications etc. Oxidative stress is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body. Vitamin D is an antioxidant and its deficiency can cause oxidative stress .Thus vitamin D deficiency by itself and by causing oxidative stress can increase risk of developing diabetes Hyperglycemia
more » ... an affect cognition. Oxidative stress too can affect cognition. Studies done studying the role of vitamin D affecting cognition especially in diabetics are very few. Aim: To determine the role of vitamin D in affecting cognition in Diabetic patients. To determine the correlation between vitamin D, oxidative stress and cognition in diabetes . Materials and Method: Comparative cross sectional study 100 Diabetes patients were studied. Exclusion Criteria: Hypertensives, alzheimers disease, dementia, bone diseases, epileptics, taking calcium or vitamin d supplements, hypo or hyperparathyroidism, thyroid disorders. After obtaining ethical approval from the institution a structured questionnaire was given to all. Fasting blood glucose levels was determined by GOD-POD Method. Hba1c was determined by Immunoturbidometry. Vitamin D was determined by ELISA method. Oxidative stress (malonylaldehyde) was measured by manual TBARS(Thiobarbituricacid reactive substances method) Cognition was assessed using Montreal cognitive assessment questionnaire. All tests were carried out at the central lab of Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital,Chennai. Results were analysed using Microsoft excel. Results: A negative correlation was seen between vitamin D and MOCA scores. A positive correlation was seen between MDA and MOCA scores. Conclusion: Vitamin D deficiency causes oxidative stress and affects cognition in diabetics. Vitamin D supplementation can be considered to reduce oxidative stress and thus improve cognition in diabetes mellitus patients.
doi:10.37506/ijop.v8i3.1329 fatcat:nbcoqj4zinb6jgqyktnxjl2q7y