High Temperature Behavior of Superalloy under Simulating Gas Turbine Environment

2019 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology  
On prolonged exposure of superalloys at elevated temperature, the surface degradation is prone to involve. In this study two nickel – based superalloys, Inconel617 and Hastelloy are the materials used to perform surface studies. The behaviors of superalloys at elevated temperatures are studied with and without salt mixture. Samples are exposed at 900° and 1000°C for a period of fifty hours. From the investigation, the cumulative mass changes per unit area are calculated with reference to the
more » ... portion of surface scale formation. The substantial role of the alloying elements is analyzed through SEM and XRD analysis. The Hastelloy has better resistance towards corrosion and oxidation resistance than Inconel617. The predominant oxides formed during the exposure at high temperature have a major contribution towards the protection of the samples.
doi:10.35940/ijeat.a1065.1291s419 fatcat:67npqcxbm5c7thdjyija2umqhy