Automating Wetland Prioritization Analyses Using GIS [thesis]

Blythe Spendlove
I have so many people who have helped me get to this point in my life. I cannot even begin a list sufficient enough to include them all. I would especially like to thank and acknowledge the help and support of my family, Dr. Fang Ren, the other MSGIS faculty and adjunct faculty at the University of Redlands, and Cohort 32 of the MSGIS program. None of this would have been possible without their support and assistance. In addition, I would like to thank all the Spatial Studies staff at the
more » ... sity of Redlands for their assistance, including Nathan Strout, Lisa Benvenuti, and Matt Flewelling. I would also like to thank Jonathan Quinn for helping me with my geoprocessing service, the Morrison Foundation Scholarship and the Fred and Blythe Keenan Educational Trust for helping fund my education, Ghirardelli for making chocolate, and God, who made everything possible.
doi:10.26716/redlands/master/2018.6 fatcat:y57wqrlwjbh4nd4lidkkorcq5i