Characteristics of groundwater flow in land-consolidated terrace paddy fields among hilly and mountainous area

2020 Journal of Japanese Association of Hydrological Sciences  
The objective of this study was to confirm the characteristics of groundwater flow in land-consolidated terrace paddy fields among hilly and mountainous area. Vertical profiles of soil property, groundwater levels, and electrical resistivity were observed at three terrace paddy fields located in Higashi-hiroshima city, Hiroshima Prefecture. The results are summarized as follows; 1 leveled area has a characteristic of relatively high drainage capacity that could drain excess water to downstream
more » ... ecause natural ground that characterized as coarse soil property was exposed on the leveled area. Furthermore, it was found that coarse sandy soil layer was connected from upper to lower fields that is possibly a highly permeable water flow path. 2 Based on fluctuation of groundwater levels and its geomorphological positions, groundwater flows could be classified as following three types; a natural groundwater flow under former terrace paddy field surface that is not interrupted by artificial landform transformation, b groundwater flow in land filled area that alternated by the artificial landform transformation, and c mixed natural and alternated groundwater flow in leveled area that might be exposed natural ground.
doi:10.4145/jahs.50.71 fatcat:p3hshs5dgjfjfjvgfclnpzttse